The Royal Crematorium
Fire Screen
26 September 2017

The fire screen (fire guard), or Chak Bang Phloeng, refers to the screens put up in the Royal Crematorium; it is a folding screen connected at the poles of the crematorium on all four sides. When in use, the screen is extended to shield the funeral pyre.

The fire screen is reserved for the remains in urns only. The fire screen comprises screens in pairs, two on each side in the four directions. For each cremation, once craftsmen define the size to suit the Royal Crematorium, artists start designing. It has been a tradition that for a normal crematorium or remains of high-ranking officials, a vine pattern is used, while for the Royal Crematorium, a celestial scene is used as the pattern. Architects or craftsmen then design the patterns to decorate the top part of the screen, each resembling a heavenly abode.

The fire screen at the Royal Crematorium for His Majesty King Bhumibol Adulyadej consists of paintings featuring the god Vishnu and royally initiated projects.

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